A2 Flyers

A2 Flyers measures elementary English language proficiency for young learners, testing their ability to communicate in a simple and straightforward manner.

Time: Approximately 7-9 minutes

A2 Flyers

The Speaking test is a fundamental component of the A2 Flyers exam, which assesses the English language proficiency of young learners at a pre-intermediate level. The A2 Flyers Speaking test evaluates a candidate's ability to communicate in simple, everyday situations using basic English vocabulary and structures. It is conducted face-to-face with an examiner and aims to demonstrate the candidate's ability to engage in basic conversations and respond to simple prompts. Let's explore each part of the A2 Flyers Speaking test:


Part 1

In Part 1 of the A2 Flyers Speaking test, the examiner initiates a conversation with the candidate. The discussion begins with friendly questions about the candidate's name, age, school, hobbies, and interests. This section serves as an icebreaker and aims to put the young learner at ease, allowing them to demonstrate their ability to respond to basic questions and engage in simple conversations.


Part 2

Part 2 of the A2 Flyers Speaking test involves a picture description task. Candidates are presented with a simple picture, and the examiner asks them to describe what they see. The candidate is encouraged to use basic vocabulary and simple sentences to talk about the objects, people, and activities depicted in the picture. This task assesses the candidate's ability to observe and convey information about familiar situations.


Part 3

Part 3 involves a collaborative task between the candidate and the examiner. The examiner provides a set of prompts related to a specific theme or situation, and the candidate and the examiner engage in a short conversation based on the given information. This task evaluates the candidate's ability to respond to simple questions, provide short answers, and interact in a communicative way.

1. Comprehension:
Candidates are assessed on their ability to understand and respond to simple questions and prompts provided by the examiner.

2. Vocabulary and Grammar:
Candidates are expected to use basic vocabulary and grammatical structures accurately. The focus is on clarity and correctness, demonstrating the ability to communicate in simple phrases and sentences.

3. Pronunciation and Intonation:
Candidates' pronunciation and intonation are assessed. Clear pronunciation and natural intonation contribute to effective communication at this pre-intermediate level.

An example of the speaking test..

Take a look at the video on the right to see what the A2 Flyers speaking test looks like. If you have any problems, or questions about the A2 Flyers speaking test, just send me an email

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