Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test is a modern and convenient online English language proficiency exam. It assesses language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, offering a comprehensive evaluation of candidates' English proficiency. With its adaptive format and quick results, the Duolingo English Test provides a flexible option for universities and institutions worldwide to assess applicants' language abilities

Time: Approximately 10-15 minutes

Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test is a comprehensive online language proficiency exam that evaluates a candidate's English language skills. The Speaking section of the Duolingo English Test is a crucial part of the assessment, as it measures a candidate's ability to communicate effectively and confidently in spoken English. This section aims to replicate real-life communication scenarios, providing an accurate evaluation of the candidate's speaking abilities. Let's break down the Duolingo English Test Speaking section:


Part 1

In Part 1 of the Duolingo English Test Speaking section, candidates encounter short sentences or phrases displayed on the screen. They are required to read these sentences aloud. The purpose of this task is to evaluate pronunciation, enunciation, and the candidate's ability to read English text accurately.


Part 2

Part 2 involves describing an image or picture presented on the screen. Candidates have a short preparation time before they are prompted to speak about the image for a specified duration. This task assesses the candidate's ability to describe visual information, use appropriate vocabulary, and deliver clear and coherent responses.


Part 3

In Part 3, candidates listen to short audio prompts related to various everyday situations. After listening to the prompts, candidates respond to the questions or statements within a specific time limit. This task evaluates the candidate's listening comprehension and their ability to provide relevant and appropriate responses.


Part 4

Part 4 involves engaging in role-plays with virtual characters. Candidates are presented with scenarios where they interact with these characters through spoken conversations. The purpose is to simulate real-life conversations and assess the candidate's ability to respond naturally and effectively in different situations.

1. Pronunciation and Intonation:
Candidates' ability to pronounce words accurately and use appropriate intonation for effective communication is assessed.

2. Fluency and Flow of Speech:
The candidate's ability to speak fluently and maintain a smooth flow of speech is evaluated.

3. Vocabulary and Language Use:
Candidates are expected to use appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures to express themselves clearly and coherently.

4. Content and Relevance:
Responses are assessed based on how well they address the task prompts and provide relevant and meaningful information.

5. Naturalness and Appropriateness:
The candidate's ability to engage in natural conversations and respond appropriately to different situations is evaluated.

An example of the speaking test..

Take a look at the video on the right to see what the Duolingo English speaking test looks like. If you have any problems, or questions about the A1 Movers speaking test, just send me an email

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