The TOEFL exam evaluates English language proficiency for academic purposes, commonly required for university admissions and scholarships. It assesses listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills, providing a comprehensive measurement of language abilities.

Time: Approximately 20 minutes


The Speaking section of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam evaluates a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English within an academic context. It measures the candidate's proficiency in speaking and understanding English in a university or college setting. The TOEFL Speaking test is computer-based and consists of six tasks, each designed to assess different language skills and communication abilities. Let's explore each part of the TOEFL Speaking test:


Task 1: Independent Speaking

In Task 1, the candidate is given a personal topic or situation and is asked to express their opinion or preferences on the given subject. The candidate has 15 seconds to prepare and then speaks for 45 seconds. This task assesses the candidate's ability to formulate and present a clear, coherent response independently.


Task 2: Integrated Speaking (Reading and Listening)

Task 2 involves integrated speaking, where the candidate reads a short passage on an academic topic and listens to a related lecture or conversation. The candidate then needs to summarize the information from both sources and convey the main points. The preparation time is 30 seconds, and the speaking time is 60 seconds. This task evaluates the candidate's ability to integrate information from multiple sources and deliver a well-organized response.


Task 3: Integrated Speaking (Listening)

Task 3 also involves integrated speaking, where the candidate listens to a conversation on an academic topic and then provides a response to a related question. The preparation time is 20 seconds, and the speaking time is 60 seconds. This task assesses the candidate's ability to comprehend information from the listening passage and construct a coherent response.


Task 4: Integrated Speaking (Listening)

In Task 4, the candidate listens to a short lecture on an academic topic and then provides a response to a related question. The preparation time is 20 seconds, and the speaking time is 60 seconds. This task evaluates the candidate's ability to understand and analyse information from the lecture and deliver a well-structured response.


Task 5: Integrated Speaking (Listening and Reading)

Task 5 involves integrated speaking, where the candidate reads a short passage and listens to a related conversation. The candidate then needs to summarize the information from both sources and provide an opinion on the topic. The preparation time is 20 seconds, and the speaking time is 60 seconds. This task assesses the candidate's ability to synthesize information from different sources and articulate their viewpoint effectively.


Task 6: Independent Speaking

In Task 6, the candidate is presented with a topic related to an academic concept or issue. They have 20 seconds to prepare and then speak for 60 seconds. This task evaluates the candidate's ability to present a well-organized response independently, providing detailed explanations and examples.

What the

TOEFL Speaking Assessment Criteria:
The TOEFL Speaking test is evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Delivery:
Candidates are assessed on their pronunciation, intonation, and natural speech flow. Clear pronunciation and natural intonation contribute to effective communication.

2. Language Use:
Candidates' ability to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar accurately is evaluated. The focus is on using academic language and complex sentence structures effectively.

3. Topic Development:
The candidate's ability to develop and support their ideas, provide relevant examples, and present a coherent argument is assessed.

An example of the speaking test..

Take a look at the video on the right to see what the TOEFL speaking test looks like. If you have any problems, or questions about the TOEFL speaking test, just send me an email

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